Blockchain, Algorand Tutorial 2 Create PureStake Account and Python…Desc: Algorand Blockchain using Python to send transaction via PureStake APIJul 12, 2021Jul 12, 2021
Blockchain, Algorand Tutorial 1 Create AccountDesc: Algorand Blockchain using Python to create account on TestNet.Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Blockchain, Algorand Dog Ball LauncherDesc: 4th Blockchain IoT project… 😋 Arduino ESP32 using Algorand Blockchain to Launch Tennis Ball for Dogs!!!Jun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
Blockchain, Algorand DoorLockDesc: 3rd Blockchain IoT project… 😋 Arduino ESP32 using Algorand Blockchain to unlock/lock Door!!!Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
Blockchain, Algorand RentACarDesc: 2nd Blockchain IoT project… 😋 Arduino ESP32 using Algorand Blockchain to Rent A Car!!!May 16, 2021May 16, 2021
Blockchain, Algorand IoT Candy MachineDesc: 1st Blockchain IoT project… 😋 Arduino ESP32 using Algorand Blockchain to dispense candy!!!May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
Trends, Julia the next up coming programming language…Desc: If there was a reason to learn another programming language it would be now…Feb 1, 2020Feb 1, 2020
Trends, TinyML Machine Learning on the EdgeDesc: It seems there is a growing number of developments with machine learning on the edge…Feb 1, 2020Feb 1, 2020
Numerical, Monte Carlo Methods: Calculating PiDesc: Calculate pi using the Monte Carlo Method.Dec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019